Friday, December 23, 2016

Ten Years Ago . . . 2006

This week I spent some time reading some of the Christmas letters I have written for the past 25 years.   I was especially interested in the letter I wrote 10 years ago.  I was not texting and didn't have a smart phone. In ten years, our family has from 5 to 12. We are now living in 3 different states, non of which is Alabama. My parents and mother-in-law have died. 

The verse that I've been claiming this year has been Matthew 6:34 "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today." As I think about what is ahead in the new year, this verse keeps me focusing on today.  It is the only day I have - I do not have tomorrow or yesterday.  I wish I could say I'm inviting you to take a look back with me to simpler time in our family - 2006 - but that is not the case.  2006 had its own trouble just like 2016. 

I'm sure this old hymn was written with this verse in mind.

I don't know about tomorrow, I just live for day to day
I don't borrow from the sunshine, For it's skies may turn to gray
I don't worry o'er the future, For I know what Jesus said
And today I'll walk beside Him, For He knows what lies ahead
Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow, And I know who holds my hand
As you read back over my 2006 Christmas update, I hope you will be encouraged that whatever is happening in your life, the one who knows tomorrow is holding your hand. 

Christmas Update 2006

To borrow a phrase, life comes at you fast!!! 
2006 has been that kind of year for us.

2005 ended with Erin graduating from college and the celebration of my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary. 2006 started with Erin looking for a job in the real world. After attending a theatre job fair in Memphis, she took an internship the end of February with Olney Theatre outside Washington DC. She worked January and February substitute teaching at Tuscaloosa County High School. The internship has now turned into a full time job with benefits that she will start January 2. She has spent the last few weeks at home with us and working for my brother. In addition to finding a job, she has also found a relationship with a guy named Dan from Jacksonville, Florida who also works at the theater.

Buddy has continued working for the athletic department at Alabama. Need I say more. The last few weeks in that area have been in turmoil as well. Buddy is also in a relationship. His girlfriend, Haley, is in medical school at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. She will begin her clinical in Tuscaloosa starting in Sep- tember. I would send a picture of them but I have a rule that until you are officially a part of the family, no official family photos!!

In February, my mom fell one morning while taking her daily 3-mile walk. She was banged up pretty bad. Her shoulder had to have physical therapy and her walking stopped. By April she was just getting back out when she fell while working in the yard and broke her jaw in three places. After surgery, she suffered a stroke that has left her unable to walk. She spent from April until August in the hospital, rehab, a nursing home and back to rehab. She came home the first of August and has had to have round the clock care. While she was in the hospital, her only brother died and she was unable to attend the funeral. The week before she came home, my dad suffered a heart attack and had to have 4 stints put in his heart. When I read back over this, I hope you can even believe it!!

Bill’s mom has had several health problems as well. She has been at the doctor almost every other week and in the hospital twice in the past month. Please pray for our parents. It has been a very difficult year for our family. My mom has been receiving therapy at home for the past 4 months but still cannot walk. I go to Birmingham every Monday while John Andrew is at school. I’m a lot of things but a nurse is not one of them. I usually take a few meals for the week, clean up, and give my mom a manicure.
This past summer, I turned 50. In January, Bill asked me what I wanted for my 50th birthday and I told him I would like for him to take a month off work. He talked with the church leaders and we began planning for a month sabbatical. We spent the 4th of July in Atlanta with John Andrew. We then went to a cabin in north Alabama for a few days of solitude (John Andrew stayed with my sister and her family). We picked him up and headed to Callaway Gardens in south Georgia. Since my mom was still in rehab, we didn’t want to go too far from Alabama. The night we got to Callaway Gardens we learned of my dad’s heart attack. We immedi- ately headed to Birmingham. We stayed a few days and spent our last week at a great resort condo in Orange Beach.

Bill continues to do a great job pastoring Capstone. Several ministries have been started this year that are reaching out to our community. For example, we open our café on Thursdays to feed whoever wants to come. Some of our college students have gotten involved and come and serve and talk to the people that come. Our church is also on the parade route so whenever Tuscaloosa has a parade (ie. Christmas, Home- coming), we open the café once again to serve hot chocolate, coffee, cookies and provide a much needed rest- room. Buddy continues to have concerts on Thursday nights. The University of Alabama chapter of FCA also meets at our church on Wednesday nights as well as the leadership group for Campus Crusade and a non-profit group that teaches music to underprivileged children.

Not only does Bill preach, he also is our main janitor!! We have seen the church grow this year and started 2 services in the fall. God continues to bless us with just what we need to do the work He has called us to do.

John Andrew is in 2nd grade at Verner Elementary. This is actually the more sane part of our family. He had his 8 year old birthday last week and celebrated with a bowling party and sleepover. He had 11 at the party and 8 stayed to sleep over. Our picture this year was taken at the party last week. He wore a shirt that he picked out while at the store with Bill. The shirt says “Parents for Sale—Buy one Get One Free.” When he came home I asked him who was free and he said, ‘You are!!” Was I surprised!!

I have many funny John Andrew stories and his quick wit and happy spirit keep us laughing. While in the CCU waiting room after my dad had his heart attack, he was asked by a young boy pointing to my brother in law, 'Is that your dad?' His response--'No, that's my uncle. The old guy that was sitting over there is my dad!!'

Once again, in spite of us, he is growing in his faith. Miss Amy, our children’s director e-mailed me this little story a few weeks ago—

Ok, so we are talking about what Jesus was like. I was trying to get them to perhaps describe him...if they thought he was friendly, caring, etc....then we read the Bible story and learned that Jesus cared about his people’s praise, his father’s house, etc . . . So, I asked again based on the story what the kids thought he was like . . . All of the sudden, John Andrew breaks into song . . . “Indescribable, In-can-tanable!” It was a great moment! Funny and appropriate, thought you might enjoy, too.

Another song that reminds me of what Jesus is like is a much older one—He Giveth More Grace. The sec- ond verse is actually how we have been able to get through this difficult season in our lives.

When we have exhausted our store of endurance, 
when our strength has failed ‘ere the day is half done, 
When we reach the end of our hoarded resources, 
Our Father’s full giving is only begun.
His love has no limits, His grace has no measure, 
His power no boundary known unto men; 
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus He giveth, 
and giveth, and giveth again.

May this Christmas be a time when you have a moment to reflect on just how much his giving has meant in your life. For God so loved the word, he gave . . .

Merry Christmas from the Overstreets 
Bill, Allyson, Buddy, Erin, & John Andrew 

Friday, December 16, 2016

2016 Overstreet Family Highs & Lows

2016 Overstreet Christmas Update

2016 has been a year of highs and lows for almost everyone I know. Let’s start with one that is both a high and low depending on your political persuasion. We saw our country polarized by an election that was both disheartening and surprising. On a more personal level, January 11, 2016 was a day that began with the death of my dad and ended with Alabama winning the national football championship. And so began 2016 for the Overstreet family. Our first family gathering of 2016 was the funeral for him. One moment that was so touching to me was seeing the Marines at the grave when we drove up for the graveside. Erin’s son, Joe, wanted to have his picture made with them after the service. Everything this year has been overshadowed by my dad’s death. 

The struggle is real--My life is a series of highs and lows and it has been for 60 years. I have struggled in writing this Christmas update more than I can ever remember. Maybe it’s because I don’t really have anything to say and why should I fill a page with words or spend my time writing something that is of no consequence. However, this yearly letter does give me a time to reflect on my year. You’re invited to read along as I have some time to contemplate this year. In July, I celebrated my 60th birthday. As a family, we spent 3 days in Gatlinburg. 

I even had a t-shirt for my birthday as well as my first hashtag #itsalla60od and my first ‘Old Time’ Photo. It was a great time - definitely a high for our family. However, this week, I have watched with sadness as fires have destroyed much of the Gatlinburg area. I received an e-mail last night from the owner of the chalet where we stayed this summer saying the chalet had burned to the ground. What had been a high for us was a low for this family and many others who lost more than property. 

Turning 60 has also been a high and low for me. f’m definitely grateful to be alive and healthy enough to enjoy my grands. However, I realize that I’m in the winter season of my life and my time to affect change in my world is slowly coming to an end. I have always been a doer - my love language is ‘acts of service’ and helping others achieve their goals is a passion of mine. That being said, I believe that God is calling me to ‘be more’ not ‘do more’ in this winter season. I’m not exactly sure what that looks like. 

Another high and low this year has been stepping up in my role of sister, aunt, great aunt, etc. When my dad died in January, I not only lost my father but my strongest prayer warrior. He was always interceding for our family. I was so glad that my older grands were able to know him. In July, my siblings met to go the grave and see the marker. My oldest grandson, V, was with us. I did not realize how going to the cemetery would affect him. I took this picture as he stood over my parent’s graves. I picked him up in Tuscaloosa to come to Hendersonville and have our first Grandparent Camp. Only one pre- requisite for grandparent camp - you must be potty trained. Depending on how everyone does, we could have 4 next year. 

I also wanted to give a shout out to my older kids for stepping up as well. They have stepped in as the ‘grands’ for John. In March, they came to Tennessee with their children to see John as ‘Lord Farquaad’ in Shrek, The Musical, at his school. He played the entire part on his knees. I love this picture of him with his nieces and nephews. (their parents made the pic on their knees as well)

On October 27, 2016, we welcomed our 5th grandchild into our family. Lewis Wells Overstreet was born to Buddy and Haley. She is named after her great-great grandmothers. Lewis was my maternal grandmother’s maiden name. We all were able to spend Thanksgiving at their home in Austin. (The pic at the top of this blog was made that day) While we were there I realized that I was 7 years old when my sister Amy was born. I was the oldest of 5. Now I’m the grandmother of 5 that are the same age span. It gives me a new appreciation for my mom. Having 5 children in 7 years had to be overwhelming.

I began writing this letter on December 4, which was John’s 18th birthday and the anniversary of my first date with Bill in 1971. We have known each other 45 years. There is not another person on this earth that knows me better or loves me like he does. One of the things I love most about him is how he encourages me in whatever I want to do. This year that included accepting an invitation from Erin to go on a mission trip to Cambodia. 

Pray for us as we continue to support Pastor Sihok as he ministers to the least of these in Phnom Penh. You can read about our journey at Click on the June blogs for more of the story and more pictures. 

This letter every year is ‘The Story of Us.’ We have our highs and lows, but we are committed to each other and continuing to join with other Christ followers in building the Kingdom in our part of Tennessee. I pray you are doing the same. 

Merry Christmas, Bill, Allyson, and John 
Buddy, Haley, V, Mac,  and Lew 
Erin, Dan, Joe, and Tom 

115 Choctaw Drive, Hendersonville, TN 37075 
Contact 205-534-0035 or