'My Ability to Ruin my Child's Life . . .'
Today is my 39th official Mother's Day. I was expecting my first child in August, 1981. Believe it or not, I was at the same church and city where I am today. Many years and miles have passed and in many ways, I have more regret than anything about my mothering. The enemy attacks here on a regular basis.
Several days ago, I read a quote by Susan Alexander Yates who is a regular guest on the Moms In Prayer Podcast (for those of you as old as me, this is what was called Moms in Touch). She said
Your ability ruin your child
is not nearly as great as
God's power to redeem them.
That really spoken to me. Hindsight is 20/20 (how appropriate is that?) That is the clear vision of what I should have done in so many situations over the years. This morning I heard the Lord speaking to my spirit saying 'Trust me' and then again in this tone 'Trust ME' How many times have I quoted Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.' I did not even have to look it up to type it out. I know it that well.
My prayer on this Mother's Day 2020 is help ME to trust YOU!! I am weary and weak. Parenting is hard!! That is all.
This picture was taken 15 years ago at my parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration It was one of the last official family photos before we began adding others to our official photos!! |
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your heart, your experience, and God’s Word.